Saturday, March 27, 2010

Ed Tillrock/ The Graphite Go-Rilla!

What can I say?... Ed's work stuns the grey matter.... You just stare at it for hours....
This Pencil Gansta from Chicago has the right stuff(and more!).... His work is just a mind boggling masterpiece.....
I am sure he as his own private graphite mine just so he can keep drawing...
Ed and I share similar backgrounds.... both true gearheads and both have a passion for what we do... and it is very evident in Ed's work..... SOMEBODY NEEDS TO PUBLISH A BOOK ON THIS GUY.........
A true talent and proud to call him a friend

Del Swanson/ TWIST 'n SHOUT!

When your eyes gaze upon A Del Swanson piece of art... you start to become Wolfie like a Chuck Jones cartoon!
Twisting,screeching and lots of blower whine....Del's images come of the page....
I envy Del Swanson...... I wish i could do what he does.......DANG!

The Art Of Todd Jones

There is a fine young man in the Mid west that has a huge amount of talent and drive....and that fine young man is Todd Jones.In today's world of Kopy Kat art.... this Mid-west Monster stands heads and shoulders above the rest. His style and grace are all his own.... his imagery is pure eye Candy and I am proud to call him a pal....
Check him out......
Go Jonesy Go.........

Friday, March 26, 2010

Evil, Mean and Metalflake!

Some super spy Shots of an upcoming show!! hahahhahahah

Sunday, March 21, 2010

More COOL Stuff form Hot Rod Leather!!!!!!

Check out the eye Kandy!!!!!!!

Eric is super fine!!!!!!
Tool rolls!,shop aprons!,beat up bags and so much more!

All this fine photography by Keven Carter

Hot Rod Leather!!!!!

Now before your mind rolls in the gutter..I must tell you of a KILLER company out on the west coast owned by Eric Williams.
I was in deep need of some very cool accessories for the truck...first.. Tank straps.. to hide those ugly bung straps in the bed.Eric and his Company...HOT ROD LEATHER .COM......came to the
And Eric being a patient man he is..(I have dropped the ball) has whipped up some Beautiful hand fashioned Tank straps for my hemi Hauler! Check out the fine door pulls too!
This fella's work is supremo BAD-ASS! Eric is a master Craftsmen in every sense of the word.
Always thinking and never one to rest on his laurels... his products are simply....... the Best.
Go to his website and peruse his fine wares.... need more.. call Eric at 415-935-7961 and he will custom make any piece of the finest leather available. When time comes for that tonneau cover on the race car.... Eric is the man.
Also... check out as well!!!..... look below at the superb products he has to offer.
I am so stoked.... Eric and I are working a a top secret project together that will flip yer lid!
stay tooned for more very soon!

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Hi Speed Truck'in!

Bruce's Rod Shop is into Cartage..... big or small...they can make them Haul!!!!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Bruce's Rod Shop/PART III

More fun stuff from Bruce's Rod shop! For all you gearheads Round Up bound.....make sure you check out all the fine iron Bruce's will have on display as they are a feature during the 2010 Lonestar Round Up!
The crew at does outstanding and exceptional fabrication,paint and plain Ole Hot Rodd'in!!!
They know there stuff!
So.... swing by there booth and pick up some Bruce's Rod Shop swag!!!

Bruce's Rod Shop/PART II

Finishing up another new design for the good folks over at Bruce's Rod Shop!
I failed to mention in the last post that they have a full custom shop!!!,build,paint and repair.
One stop and lot's of go!!!!!
I will be visiting the good people over in spring in a few weeks.....So.... if your in there neck of the woods..stop by and check out there mighty fine diggs!!
Tell them Norwell Equipped sent y'all!

Friday, March 12, 2010

Welcome to Kustom City!

Danny B. from Bruce's Rod shop down in Spring Texas... rang me up and hollered about some new rags.....
Known for there deadly Hot Rods... they also produce some of the finest customs around....We are head long into a series of designs and the first off the rack is there new Kustom ....
Be sure to pick up a new shirt when you visit there booth at the Lonestar Round Up and peruse there fine items!
Tell them Norwell Equipped sent y'all

Super fine!

Wednesday, March 10, 2010


Less than a month to the LSRU and the countdown has begun.... My buddy Beatnikontental(Brian) has taken my art for the show and applaid his graphic genius to the some of the show apparel for the gig!
We here at Norwell Equipped are in full battle mode!!!!
it's coming quick!!!!!

Monday, March 8, 2010

Swistak Speed and Engineering

Tooling around with some ruffs for a very exciting and top secret new product from Swistak Speed and Engineering... just some ruff ideas.. but we will see where they go!

FWilliams Hi Performance Race Engines

My pal Fred has some new apparel and goodies he is flogging for his new shop!....A master engine Mystic.... he can squeeze the most out of your iron....
Fred is a legend in the North West and has a list of winning teams like Santa's Toy list!
Get in the winner's Circle with FWilliams Performance!

New logo and Shirt art!.... and when I was inking up these puppies....I heavily borrowed from the Ink Master Ed "Newt" Newton!..... My continuing homage to a great artist!